Energy Process Engineering

Academic Staff

Katsuaki TANABE

Katsuaki TANABEProfessor (Graduate School of Engineering)

Research Topics

  • Renewable energy production
  • High-efficiency energy conversion/utilization


Room 225, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-2685

Introduction to Research

The research in this group is focused on the development of the technology for renewable energy production and high-efficiency energy conversion/utilization.

1. High-efficiency, low-cost solar cells

We explore novel photovoltaic materials systems, low-cost mass production schemes, higher-efficiency device operation principles and structures for the realization of wide use of solar cells.

2. High-performance hydrogen storage systems

We introduce novel engineering techniques to improve the existing hydrogen-storage systems via a series of hydrogen dynamics modelling.

3. Ultralow-power-consumption photonic LSI

We design and fabricate nanostructured light sources for use in photonic integrated circuitries for the realization of ultralow-power-consumption computation and telecommunication, accounting for the production feasibility and device performance.

4. Nanomaterials engineering for nuclear-fusion electric generation

We study nuclear fusion reactor materials, particle and thermal cycles with particular interest in nanomaterials, surfaces and interfaces towards practical electric generation.

5. Environmental information engine nanodevices

We conduct fundamental investigations for nanoscale energy transducers to extract environmental order or information as new energy resources to be converted into electrical works.

Conceptual drawing of a nanostructure-enhanced solar cell