Chemical Reaction Engineering
Academic Staff
Motoaki KAWASE
Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Head, Chemical Process Research Consortium (Graduate School of Engineering)
Head, Nanomaterial Process Research Group, Chemical Process Research Consortium (Graduate School of Engineering)
Professor, Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Course for the Top Global Course (Graduate School of Engineering)
Professor, Undergraduate School of Chemical Science and Technology (Faculty of Engineering)
Professor, Research Project of Innovative Circular Resource System Engineering, Advanced Engineering Research Center (Katsura Int’tech Center, Graduate School of Engineering)
SCEJ Fellow (the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan)
Vice President, Representative Director, the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Vice President, the Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering (the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan)
Representative, the Subdivision of CVD Reactions, the Division of Chemical Reaction Engineering (the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan)
President, the CVD Society, Japan
Research Topics
The production processes of the functional materials by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) as well as the electrochemical processes including the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) and the electroorganic synthesis (EOS) are being investigated. Kinetic analysis of these reactions and reactors as well as the development of new processes are being carried out.
Room 229, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-2663
FAX: +81-75-383-2653
Ryuichi ASHIDA
Junior Associate Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
We are working on the development of effective utilization of coal. The method being investigated extracts from coals, which is still abundant all over the globe and quite cheap, the components that can be used as not only clean fuel but also raw materials for valuable materials. Production of high performance activated carbons from biomass waste is also being investigated.
Room 233, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-7092
FAX: +81-75-383-2653
Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
Development of new zeolite-based catalysts and reaction processes using the developed catalysts.
Room 230, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-2683
FAX: +81-75-383-2653
Nobuki OZAWA
Program-Specific Associate Professor (NEDO FC-Platform) (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
The polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is being investigated by molecular dynamic simulation.
Room 027, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
Program-Specific Assistant Professor (NEDO FC-Platform) (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
Modelling and numerical simulation of the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) system are being investigated.
Room 231, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
Yulei MA
Program-Specific Assistant Professor (NEDO FC-Platform) (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
Design method of the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) system are being investigated.
Room 230, Bldg. A4, Katsura Campus
Program-Specific Researcher (NEDO FC-Platform)
Research Topics Modelling of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC).
Setkit Nattawut
Program-Specific Researcher (NEDO)
Research Topics High-efficiency and low-temperature process development for power generation from biomass and low-rank coal
Hisaaki GYOTEN
Research Topics Modelling of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC).
Research Topics Conversion of carbonaceous resources.
Research Topics Modelling of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC).
Introduction to Research
The research at this chair is focused on modeling and development of various chemical reaction processes including materials production processes and electrochemical processes. Current research topics are as follows:
1. Chemical reaction engineering modeling of electrochemical reaction processes
We are extending chemical reaction engineering to new processes as follows:
- Modeling of polymer electrolyte hydrogen fuel cell (PEFC).
- Development of electrificated chemical production processes.
3. Development of new functional materials and materials production processes
Material research such as development of functional materials are being carried out. The processes for materials production are also our research targets. Specific projects in this area include:
- Production of aluminum nitride film by plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and MOCVD,
- Kinetic analysis of carbon deposition from various hydrocarbons, and
- Development of a CVD process for perovskite films for solar cells.
3. Development of new conversion processes of coal and other carbonaceous resources in novel reaction schemes
Innovative energy reaction processes are required for attaining effective and clean conversion of coal and other carbonaceous resources into energy and valuable chemicals. We have developed several new coal conversion methods and are continuing to improve the coal conversion and liquid yield. Some new conversion processes are also being developed. Specific projects in this area include:
- Fractionation of coal by the extraction of coal at elevated temperature and pressure,
- Investigation of reduction mechanism of iron ore in iron ore/carbon composite, and
- Development of a new power generation process utilizing liquid-phase redox reactions between carbonaceous resources and inorganic chemicals.
Fig. 1. Hydrogen PEFC apparatus & JARI cell.
Fig. 2. Pyrocarbon prepared from propane and allene.
Fig. 3. Fractionation of coals by multi-temperature solvent extraction.